Yoga and its benefits
"Yoga, an ancient but perfect science deals with the evolution of humanity. This evolution includes all aspects of one's being, from bodily health to self realisation. Yoga means union, the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with soul. Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day to day life and endows skill in performance of one's actions" -
B.K.S Iyengar
Yoga = Happiness Happiness = Yoga
What does every person in this world want more than anything else??
It's happiness right?!
Happiness is an all encompassing word, as is yoga
IT IS... good health
it is... feeling calm and carefree
... it is discovering your strengths and talents and pursuing them
...it is building strength where you didn't know you had it
...it is... working hard and seeing the fruits of your labour
..it is opening yourself up to a world of possibility
...it is truly loving yourself so that you can truly love others
It is accessible to anyone, no matter your age, your race, your flexibility. No matter what you've experienced or what you believe in, whatever you seek,
is already within you
Yoga and movement allow you to release a build up of physical and emotional tension
To a place of infinite space in which you are free to roam
Cardiovascular system
Joint mobility and bone health
Circulation and heart health
Seratonin and dopamine in preventing depression and anxiety
Cortisol levels (stress relief)
Prevention and healing of injuries
Prevention of illness and disease
Weight management
Detoxify and cleanse
Gain deeper awareness
Be the best version of you